Reuse – don’t reinvent – the wheel

For fifteen years, CUREE has been interrogating the international evidence base, extracting from it the stuff which actually works to improve student achievement. In that time, we have distilled what’s known into a core of useful research evidence and related practical resources which we can tailor to your curriculum and teaching and learning challenges.

Want to know the answers to some of these questions?

“Which teaching strategies in humanities are linked with positive outcomes for students?”
“What do the PISA results mean for my school?”
“How do we balance and offer effective levels of challenge?”
“How can I design group work to maximise learning?”
“The curriculum freedoms mean I have choices, but how do I know I’m plumbing for the right thing?”
“Preparing for the e-bacc – what evidence is there about MFL teaching that can help me get better results?”
“How can I transfer successful initiatives from the small scale to whole school approaches?”

We can meet your needs in a range of ways –

  • a bespoke version of our highly regarded route map of research
  • a simple short, non-technical summary of the relevant evidence with action points;
  • a more detailed report on the evidence accompanied by resources which support you in implementing the action points
  • bespoke consultancy package including diagnostic analyses, school visits and ongoing coaching.

    Email for a further discussion.