Let the evidence about what works guide your choices

Are you currently planning your school budget or development Plan for 2011-2012?   In these challenging times it is more important than ever to ensure that you target funds so as to maximise their impact on pupil outcomes. CUREE are able to use our  in-house expertise and  extensive evidence database to help you identify approaches that are likely to be effective for pupils at scale and/ or weigh up the probable cost effectiveness of different options you are already considering.

Work with one of our experienced researchers to explore your options for the SDP and let us highlight where there is a mature evidence base for the impact of particular teaching strategies on enhancing pupil outcomes. This will help you direct school resources towards priorities and strategies that will have the greatest impact on the pupils. For more information and an example of an accessible version of an evidence map click here. Contact anne.groll@curee.co.uk for details of this service.

We direct the evidence where you need it; you lead effective practice.