Book now for "Coaching for Improvement"

Emerging to good, good to outstanding: building coaching capacity as a cost effective school improvement tool

This 1 ½ day programme is designed for head teachers, CPD leaders and ASTs. It aims to help participants develop and embed coaching as a high quality, cost effective and sustainable way of developing the performance of every member of staff so that it fulfils its potential for every pupil. In particular the programme offers opportunities for identifying and building on the strengths of colleagues and complementing these with evidence based tools such as learning agreements and questioning and thinking frames that help to ensure effective and purposeful coaching relationships at every level and to focus coaching conversations on tackling teaching and learning challenges progressively and in manageable chunks. 

During the programme participants will:

  • clarify the key ingredients of effective coaching and the underpinning principles shown by research to make a difference to pupils,
  • work with video examples of common mistakes and effective practices to identify their own skills and starting points and identify what both parties in coaching relationships and give to the process and gain from it,
  • acquire and practise using a series of practical tools such as learning agreement, thinking and questioning frames designed to ensure coaching conversations or supporting, purposeful and appropriate challenge,
  • practise coaching and being coached to develop and start to embed new skills and to plan for sustaining learning back in school.


Led by Philippa Cordingley and Lisa Bradbury this is one of the very few open recruitment coaching development sessions we run so book now via

These sessions on 24th November and 2nd February cost just £250 and your school will be licensed to use the "Letting Go" coaching development programme in your school.

Benefits - Sharing proven to work coaching tools and securing a critical mass of coaching skills in your school will enable you and your colleagues to:

  • identify and tackle specific, relevant  teaching and learning issues - broken down into manageable chunks
  • use resources, including time, effectively and efficiently – tools for coaching conversations help teachers make a difference using just 10 minutes of observation or video!
  • identify and build on the specialist skills of colleagues – make more use of expertise available within (as well as outside) school
  • set and meet challenging and personal goals – using aspirations for and impact on pupil achievement as the driver for professional learning
  • take increasing responsibility for their own professional learning and development – improving knowledge and self awareness
  • reflect together on what does and doesn’t work and why, in different contexts– so new approaches can be adapted to your school context
  • identify and manage the risks that come with trying out new approaches  - encourage disciplined creativity and innovation


Like their pupils every member of staff can improve with good support. Because staff have to deploy their developing skills amongst large groups of young people, improvement isn’t just a question of acquiring new skills or knowledge and putting them instantly to work. Embedding new knowledge and skills in day to day practice means experimenting and fine tuning - with precision support from specialists and encouragement and questions from trusted peers.  CUREE has large scale evidence from across the world that specialist and co-coaching of this kind benefit pupils as well as teachers and support staff – and lots of experience in helping schools, teachers and LAs build skills in doing this as a way of developing and embedding new approaches to teaching, learning and the curriculum.