Self Evalaution Tools (SET)

The word Self Evalaution for most teachers conjures up the Ofsted SEF and many hours are spent crafting this document providing a range of evidence to support judgements. The sourcing of evidence for those aspects which require qualitative judegments often prove tricky.

Other examples of self evaluation frameworks teachers maybe familiar with (e.g. BECTA and NCETM) present a series of questions to prompt reflection and consideration of evidence followed by some form of scoring on a scale.

CUREE have been working on a couple of projects piloting  an approach to self evalaution which generates some useful evidence via useful CPD activities (many of which are derived form EM&C resources) as well as providing a series of benchmarks to support reflection. One example of a self evaluation tool (SET) is the thinking frame - a 4 stage talking framework to structure planning used in coaching conversation combined with a series of level descriptors based on the evidence base about effective CPD.

Please take a look and see what you think!

CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the eye diagram

CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the learning agreement tool

CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the needs analysis tool

CPD Providers Self Evaluation Tool - the thinking frame