Knowsley Headship Coaching

Working with a group of headteachers who were developing their skills as coaches for new heads in the region was a very rewarding experience. We spent a day and a half  - a month apart - working with the EMAC materials, particularly the Letting Go pack. Colleagues found that they had very practical resources that they could apply immediately as they developed their skills as specialist coaches. The group also found the resources useful in developing coaching throughout their own schools too.


Clare is too modest tio say but she has also successfully run a programme for Heads in Buckinghamshire in June which they loved and said not only could they see how to use the skills when working with other Heads but also how they would use the materials, particularly the animations, in their own school. If your Head would like to know more about how they can contact a delegate from one of these sessions let us know and we can put them in touch with a colleague to hear how the materials have equipped them. Alison Halford Assistant Director - CUREE