Building up a professional learning community

When we deliver the Professional Learning Community Taster (from Joining Up pack) we often vary the communities that we use and add pictures to the slides to make them more engaging. Attached is one example of this. Do you have any other “communities” that you use as exemplars? What sorts of discussions does this activity generate?


An intriguing community that came up at one of our recent development sessions was that of goldfish bowl – not what you would class as a Professional Learning “Community”, no connection between the actors and finding themselves always being looked at! A slightly worrying metaphor for a school in a sort of siege mentality but a metaphor that really helped us to get a picture of what it felt like for teachers at that time. Alison Halford Assistant Director - CUREE

Learning doesn’t just happen. Whatever effort that teachers put into, in the end it is the pupil that has to do the learning. So it is with professional learning. Facilitating CPD and building an infrastructure of coaching skills means putting as much thought into professional learning events as we put into lessons and schemes of work – and making ourselves increasingly redundant as the learners take greater control of their development.

Here are a couple of quotes from Professional Learners about how they feel about being coached. “Trust is fundamental.” – Rebecca Howard Wearn, Ravens Wood School “Discussions needed to be frank, but sensitive. We established an accord that we would always say what we meant in meetings and not reserve our negative comments to outside. This was really essential.” – Lizzie Maddison, Prudhoe Community High School Alison Halford Assistant Director - CUREE