Starter Activity - Henry & Victoria

One of the favourite activities that we use during a development session is the Henry and Victoria starter – it is in the Taking Hold pack and harnesses real energy at the start of a session. It gets everyone thinking about what makes a good coach and the power is in the debrief where characteristics like humour, empathy, confidence, specialist knowledge, power, clarity, calm, and grumpiness (you’ll guess who that refers to) are often discussed. We often find that you can use the Victorias and Henrys to not only explore who you would like to be coached by but also who you would like to coach and that gives you a similar window into what people feel a professional learner needs to be able to bring to the relationship.   Because the pack doesn’t contain any slides for this activity (just the essential Facilitator’s notes) we thought that you might like to have a copy of this as we use it in our many sessions. This resource can be downloaded here.