Teachers TV

As reflective practitioners we know that you like to keep abreast of new and good teaching practice which is based on sound evidence. I was recently asked to collaborate in the development of a series of mini TV programmes for Teachers TV. The idea was to film some teachers as they tried out strategies shown by research to be effective.  Unfortunately they only gave teachers a very short period to try things out - and the Director was much more focussed on the programme production and "lovely shots" than the pedagogy.  Nonetheless there are some very nice examples of teaching and learning accompanied by the teachers' reflections on what's gone on  plus some reflections from me in relation to how it relates to research.   

So it's a very joined up example of supporting teachers in developing their practice through research.  Each mini programme is about three minutes long!   So it's all very manageable too! They are hosted on the Teachers TV website and CUREE has provided links to a series of practical research tools and summaries, starting with research bites (PowerPoint presentations) that take 2.5 minutes to work through and micro enquiry tools, through (4-5 page) research digests from the research informed practice website, to more substantial Research for Teachers summaries that link academic and teacher research. If you would like to access this informative material you can click here to go direct! www.teachers.tv/series/proven-to-work. I hope you’ll enjoy them!