QCA/GTC event – professionalism and the primary curriculum

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) is now consulting on government proposals for the reform of the primary curriculum. The proposals have significant implications for the teaching profession.

The QCA and GTC invite you to attend an event exploring the impact of these changes on your practice and an opportunity for you to discover how you can develop your role further as a curriculum designer.

You will also have an opportunity to play a part in shaping the future of the primary curriculum by responding to key aspects of the primary curriculum reform proposals.

To reserve your place, sign up now by emailing policyevents@gtce.org.uk with the following information by Monday 15 June 2009:

  • Name
  • School
  • Teacher Reference Number
  • Contact telephone number
  • Any dietary or access requirements


All registered teachers will receive supply cover and standard expenses.

We look forward to meeting you on 7 July.

07/07/2009 - 10:00 to 15:30