Strategic Consultation - Mathematics and English


What's this all about?

The Education and Training Foundation has been tasked with taking responsibility for implementing a new plan to improve the reach of numeracy and literacy teaching at level 2 including GCSEs in the country’s vocational education sector and are seeking your views on how they can help you develop your learnes' skills. 

The aim

The aim is to produce a cohort of “work entrants” with world class numeracy and literacy skills and knowledge. CUREE, in partnership with EMCETT is currently helping the Foundation with a sector-level consultation about how this new strategy might be implemented and the vision and aspirations of the professionals working within the sector for achieving success at level two  in English and Maths.

We have also devised and are currently putting into action a strategy for assembling a coherent and accurate body of research evidence to complement sector views of the professionals working within the sector for achieving success at level two  in English and Maths.

Take part

There are a number of different ways that you can get involved with this project, click here to find out about them.

Find out more

If you want to find out more about the project, and the partners involved visit the Foundation's website or get in contact with one of the team here at CUREE to see if we can help you.

To find out more about CUREE's role in this project, click here.

CUREE have also written two summaries of rapid literature reviews to pave the way for consulting the Learning and Skills sector about what support is needed to enable effective teaching of English and maths up to level including GCSE. Although we were looking particularly for evidence for vocational and FE contexts, the evidence is also relevant for schools seeking to strengthen GCSE English and maths, not least because it draws primarily on 14-19 studies.